Practical Guide to Finding Gold, Silver and Coins with the Minelab CTX 3030
Author: Clive James Clynick
Clive James Clynick is the author of numerous detecting books and articles. In this detailed and informative book he shares his 35 -plus years of treasure hunting experience with the reader to create this unique guide to successful searching with the Minelab CTX 3030.Topics include:• Basic CTX 3030 Handling and Care: Avoiding Damage.• Understanding and Using the CTX’s Strengths.• Improving Your Accuracy with the “In Keeping” Method.• Modding “Jay’s Gold Program.”• Clive’s CTX 3030 Gold Program & Method.• Beach and Inland Gold Hunting with the CTX 3030.• Bringing Up Targets in Dense Iron with the CTX 3030• Running the CTX “Hot:” Mediating Noise.• Auto Versus Manual Sensitivity.• Bench, Nail and Proximity Testing.• CTX Ergonomics, Stock and 17? Coil.• Top CTX Hunters Speak.• Site Skill Building.
117 pages (8.5 X 5.5 Softbound)